Category Archives: Uncategorised

Why Use Probiotics

lady's tummy

According to the NHS, 40% of us are suffering from some sort of digestive health issue at any given time. The most prevalent are abdominal pain, changes in bowel habit, indigestion and heartburn. These are often caused by lifestyle issues such as food choices and stress. The problem is that modern life is not conducive […]

Keep Your Heart Healthy

Healthy couple running on beach - keeping your heart healthy

In Europe, around 4 million people die from cardiovascular diseases every year. This accounts for 45% of all deaths, making it Europe’s biggest killer. Good health is vital for a healthy heart and small lifestyle changes could reduce your risk of cardiovascular diseases. Here are some great ways to show your heart the love it deserves. […]

Boosting Your Child’s Immune System

happy, healthy child in the sea air - boosting your child's immune system

Our children seem to spent the entire Winter fighting off viruses, bugs and germs. At this time of year, they spend a lot of time indoors and can become prone to illness. So, how can we boost their immune system to help keep them healthy? Sleep It is important for children to get a good […]

The Health Benefits of Vitamin B12

Relaxed woman looking out to sea - benefits of vitamin b12 supplement

Did you know that approximately 39% of adults between 26 – 83 years old have plasma vitamin B12 levels in the low to normal range? And approximately 56% of middle-aged men are found to be deficient in vitamin B12? There are two further nutrients that are considered to boost and promote the activity of vitamin […]

Are You Stressed and Lacking in Energy?

tires, stressed woman in bed

Tiredness and stress are two of the most common complaints about everyday life. They can have a negative impact on our daily function and attitude towards life. In extreme cases, they even result in time off work. In fact, stress is one of the most common reasons for people taking sick days. It seems that […]

Probiotics Could Change Your Life

Scientists are now proving what Wise Owl have been saying about probiotics all along… The word probiotic means “for life” or “promoting life.” Probiotics have been researched throughout the years and significantly lately, and the results have been astonishing. In fact, you may have seen probiotics more in the news recently as surprising revelations have […]

Supporting Your Child’s Development

Mother and Child

As babies grow into toddlers and toddlers into young children, their immune system is constantly exposed to viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungus, all of which are disease producing organisms known as pathogens. Exposure does not necessarily mean that a child will become unwell because during this process, the body is actually building up a strong […]

The Powerful Mental Health Benefits of B Vitamins

Happy, healthy woman

B vitamins can benefit both our physical and mental health. Recent studies have proven that they can help to combat anxiety, depression and stress and improve your mood. Nutrients in B vitamins also help the memory, combat toxins, lower the risk of heart disease and reduce premenstrual symptoms. Vital nutrients in B vitamins can even increase the body’s natural energy and give […]