Tag Archives: ageing

Why a healthy diet could be the best anti-ageing product

lady stretching the skin on her face

There is an indisputable inevitability about ageing. As we get older, our appearance changes. Skin becomes less taught, damaged by the stress of everyday life. Wrinkles form, skin discolours. Hairs grow in unexpected places and we long for a time when we looked more youthful. Anti-ageing products and the billion dollar industry That longing for […]

The Powerful Mental Health Benefits of B Vitamins

Happy, healthy woman

B vitamins can benefit both our physical and mental health. Recent studies have proven that they can help to combat anxiety, depression and stress and improve your mood. Nutrients in B vitamins also help the memory, combat toxins, lower the risk of heart disease and reduce premenstrual symptoms. Vital nutrients in B vitamins can even increase the body’s natural energy and give […]