Bad fats, good fats and why we need them

good fats and bad fats - wise owl health

If you’ve ever been on a diet, you may be under the illusion that fats are categorically bad for you. In fact, that couldn’t be further from the truth. According to the NHS, we need a small amount of fat in order to obtain essential fatty acids. These are compounds that the body is unable […]

Health tips for men in the three stages of adult life

men chatting

Eric Llewellyn founded Wise Owl Health to help everyone improve their wellbeing. In part, this is achieved through our incredible Food State supplements, that are absorbed by the body as nature intended. But there’s more to wellbeing than taking on the best nutrients. So, we’ve put together Eric’s tips on men’s health in three age […]

5 supplements that could enhance your sports performance


With the London marathon taking place this weekend, we’re looking at ways to improve your athletic performance. Whether you’re into long distance running or another sport, certain supplements could give you the boost you need to take your performance to the next level. 1. Iron Despite being the most abundant mineral in our blood, many […]

6 children’s lunchbox hacks you’ll wish you’d discovered sooner!

Kids lunchbox hacks healthy salad

Getting children to eat healthily can be difficult at the best of times. But how do you persuade them to eat well when their only options come out of a small plastic lunchbox? For us, it has taken a lot of trial and error and a little help from doctor Google. Here are the ultimate […]

6 Reasons to Say YES to Chocolate

At this time of year, chocolate is everywhere and the temptation can be difficult to resist. But would it really be so bad if you said yes every now and then? Well actually, there are several reasons why we think you should. Whilst most chocolate is full of sugar and milk and does nothing for […]

Coping with the clocks going forward

Picture of female adult surrounded by clocks to depict the dilemma of the clocks going forward

In case you weren’t already aware, this weekend is the dreaded Spring clock change. Here’s a simple way to remember which way the clocks go in Spring and Autumn: Clocks spring forward and fall back.  Admittedly this works slightly better if you refer to Autumn as fall, but it’s still a great reminder. Unfortunately however […]

Why a healthy diet could be the best anti-ageing product

lady stretching the skin on her face

There is an indisputable inevitability about ageing. As we get older, our appearance changes. Skin becomes less taught, damaged by the stress of everyday life. Wrinkles form, skin discolours. Hairs grow in unexpected places and we long for a time when we looked more youthful. Anti-ageing products and the billion dollar industry That longing for […]

Why Use Probiotics

lady's tummy

According to the NHS, 40% of us are suffering from some sort of digestive health issue at any given time. The most prevalent are abdominal pain, changes in bowel habit, indigestion and heartburn. These are often caused by lifestyle issues such as food choices and stress. The problem is that modern life is not conducive […]

Multivitamins: Why Soil Depletion Makes Them Essential to Health

Stubble field with straw bales - soil nutrient depletion

It is a sad fact that eating well is no longer enough to ensure all our nutritional needs are met. Did you know that soil is now 55-85% less nutrient dense than it was 60 years ago? This has resulted in vitamin and mineral deficiencies causing many health issues around the world. Mineral depletion The Earth […]