Anxiety: How to Stop it from Ruling Your Life

Anxious woman

The mental health support organisation Mind state that around 1 in 4 people in the UK are likely to experience a mental health problem each year. In England alone, 1 in 6 people report that they are experiencing a common mental health issue every week. Interestingly, Mind say that there has not been a drastic increase in mental health problems recently, but more that the way people are coping with these problems, seems to be getting worse. A survey is carried out in England every 7 years to determine the number of people who have various types of mental health issues. The last survey was carried out in 2016 and the anxiety stats were reported as below:

General anxiety disorder – 5.9 in 100 people
Mixed anxiety and depression – 7.8 in 100 people

Thankfully, the UK have good mental health services to support those who are struggling with anxiety and depression, although there are recent concerns of how we may need more support, especially for young people. Any mental health problems should always be discussed with your GP to get professional advice and support where needed. But what can you do to support your mental health, alongside the professional support?

DID YOU KNOW? Magnesium deficiency and lack of B vitamins can lead to symptoms of anxiety?

Consider Your Lifestyle

If you are not living a healthy lifestyle, then this can have a negative influence on your mental health and well-being. Taking regular exercise boosts your self-esteem and confidence, stimulating the production of serotonin and endorphins which are chemicals in the brain that help to ease anxiety. Addictive stimulants such as alcohol, tobacco and drugs should be avoided as they have depressive influences on mental health, potentially affecting diet, sleep, relationships, work and self-esteem issues.

If you’re unhappy in any area of your life, then this needs to be addressed as it will no doubt be having a huge contribution towards anxiety – such as being unhappy in your job or being in a negative relationship. Anxiety can be triggered also by concerns over your family, money, job or relationship – so acknowledging these concerns and working towards improving them or finding a solution, will help to reduce anxiety and make you feel more in control of your life.

Solutions can be a step by step process and may take time, but if you avoid it instead, your anxieties will only get worse. Consider using complementary therapies to help you to relax and have time out from stress too. Therapies can help you to find perspective and reduce stress and tension.

Anxiety & Your Diet

Interestingly, changing your diet to be healthier can have a major positive impact on relieving anxiety. Eating the right foods that provide enough nutrition for your body and mind, is vital. Your brain needs a balanced flow of nutrients to function properly and a poor diet will not stimulate the neurotransmitters which can help to support depression and anxiety. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin B and magnesium are known to be especially good for helping anxiety.

  • INCREASE: Increase and focus on eating fresh foods and whole foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals
  • LIMIT: Cut out or at least limit sugar and fizzy drinks
  • AVOID: Avoid refined and processed foods, caffeine and alcohol
  • WATER: Drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins and rehydrate your body

Whole grains contain magnesium which is a mineral that 75% of the people in the western world are deficient in. Magnesium deficiency can lead to symptoms of anxiety, so it is essential that you ensure you are getting enough in your diet. Either hugely increase your intake of foods that are rich in magnesium or take a magnesium daily supplement to reduce anxiety.

Blueberries and acai berries are considered superfoods that are high in vitamins, antioxidants and phytonutrients (plant nutrients) and both are beneficial for relieving symptoms of stress and anxiety. Almonds are powerful in helping to reduce anxiety and increase your energy. They also contain iron, healthy fats and zinc which is an important nutrient to help balance your mood.

The Gut & Anxiety

Scientists at University College Cork have recently reported that after carrying out research on mice, they have found a strong link between a low level of gut microbes and high levels of anxious and depressive behaviour. The study revealed that mice that were raised without any microbes showed much higher levels of anxiety, to those that were given microbes.

The environment of the gut has an influence on the pre-frontal cortex and the amygdala; two areas of the brain which are both linked to a variety of mental health conditions – including anxiety and depression. Although of course, there is more research needed on these findings, this builds an even stronger emphasis on how clean eating really can have an influence on your mental health and how using a Probiotic Supplement promotes not only a healthy gut, but has a positive influence on your mental health.

Consider Nutritional Support

Changing your lifestyle, your diet and managing stresses and concerns will have an empowering contribution towards reducing and even eliminating anxiety. Most people will start to notice a difference within a few weeks, so it’s vital that these changes are implemented to help to relieve anxiety symptoms so that you can feel more confident and in control of your life.

However, sometimes we need an extra helping hand and many people find that using nutritional support can make a dramatic difference too. Those who suffer from anxiety may not only feel anxious, but the symptoms can have a knock-on effect, making them feel low in energy and having problems sleeping. Wise Owl’s Magnesium 100 mg will not only help to reduce anxiety but will also increase your energy and help you to get a better night’s sleep. B vitamins may help depression, anxiety and stress because the nutrients boost the body’s natural energy, alongside supporting the immune system and aiding insomnia. Wise Owl’s Vitamin B Complex contains essential B vitamins that have been known to help with stress, anxiety and depression.

Healthy eating to help anxiety - blueberries, raspberries & almonds

“Within a few days of taking Vitamin B Complex I felt so much better. I have more energy generally and feel able to deal with the stresses and strains of a busy life! I’ve also noticed that I am sleeping so much better and feel more rested and refreshed when I wake up.”  Louise, Cardiff

Anxiety is an unpleasant mental health problem which affects thousands of people in the UK every day, so it is important to seek professional advice alongside helping yourself.

Article Date: 27/09/2017

Disclaimer: The information in this document is not intended to replace orthodox medical treatment. The information offered in this document is offered as additional complimentary information.

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