Tag Archives: diet

Bad fats, good fats and why we need them

good fats and bad fats - wise owl health

If you’ve ever been on a diet, you may be under the illusion that fats are categorically bad for you. In fact, that couldn’t be further from the truth. According to the NHS, we need a small amount of fat in order to obtain essential fatty acids. These are compounds that the body is unable […]

Health tips for men in the three stages of adult life

men chatting

Eric Llewellyn founded Wise Owl Health to help everyone improve their wellbeing. In part, this is achieved through our incredible Food State supplements, that are absorbed by the body as nature intended. But there’s more to wellbeing than taking on the best nutrients. So, we’ve put together Eric’s tips on men’s health in three age […]

Health benefits of a diet high in fruits and vegetables

fruit and veg on chopping board

Fruits and vegetables are generally accepted to offer important nutritional benefits. But did you know that eating them can impact on our happiness as well as physical health? They can lift our mood, increase energy levels and help us enjoy life to the full. In contrast, many processed foods can have the opposite effect. The […]