Health benefits of a diet high in fruits and vegetables

fruit and veg on chopping board

Fruits and vegetables are generally accepted to offer important nutritional benefits. But did you know that eating them can impact on our happiness as well as physical health? They can lift our mood, increase energy levels and help us enjoy life to the full.

In contrast, many processed foods can have the opposite effect. The list below details the best food choices for a positive impact on health and wellbeing.

1. Excellent

Vegetables: Broccoli, capsicum, capsicum-red, brussel sprouts, carrot, cauliflower, pumpkin, chicory, celery, garlic, spinach, avocado, green peas.
Fruits: Pears, tomatoes, blackcurrants, papaya, guavas, persimmon fruit.
Legumes: Split peas, lentils, soybeans, velvet beans, kidney beans, dried peas, navy beans, chick peas.
Seeds: Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds.

2. Very good

Grains: Porridge oats, rye, oat bran, wheatgerm, pearl barley, brown rice.
Nuts: Pecan nuts, almonds, pine nuts, cashews, pistachios, macadamias, walnuts.
Herbs: Passion flower, parsley, burdock, gingko biloba, green tea.
Spices: Ginger.

Fruits and vegetables | Did you know that a diet high in fruits and vegetables can benefit your emotional wellbeing as well as your physical health? This post lists the best fruits and vegetables to consume and how they benefit you. #health #wellness #diet

3. Good but not delivering all important enzymes

Mushrooms: Shiitake mushrooms (dried)
Oils: Soybean oil

4. Other healthy foods

Some animal derived foods contain beneficial nutrients although they don’t hold the same benefits as fruit and vegetables. These include:

Dairy – Parmesan Cheese Gruyere Cheese Yogurt (live and active)
Fish – Tuna

Sea Foods – Crab
Poultry – Chicken (essence/extract)
Meats – Lamb (chops), liver (beef) beef (steak)
Additionally – Chocolate, honey, royal jelly

What are the key benefits of fruit and vegetables?

The key benefits of fruits and vegetables are realised if they form a large part of our dietary intake of foods. The very brief list below represents only a very small introduction to the health benefits of a diet rich in vegetables.

  • Cardiovascular – A diet rich in fruits and vegetables has been shown to reduce elevated blood pressure and cholesterol. It can lead to reduced risk of strokes and heart disease.
  • Digestive processes – Reduced risk of digestive disorders like gallstones, irritable bowel syndrome and ulcers.
  • Immune System – A diet high in fruits and vegetables reduces the potential for serious diseases. It can also help to protect you from toxic environmental factors, allergies, skin disorders, harmful antigens and harmful microorganisms.
  • Metabolic processes – Reduced risk of elevated blood sugar, lower cholesterol, improved energy levels and protection from some harmful free radicals.
  • Bones and joints – Lower risk of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and other joint diseases.
  • Nervous system processes – A diet high in fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, emotional mood swings and stress-related disorders
  • Respiratory processes – Lower risk of bronchitis, catarrh, common cold, hay fever and sinusitis. Research has even shown that a diet rich in vegetables may help reduce your risk of developing asthma.

Additional notes

The health benefits of all fruits and vegetables are significantly enhanced when they are organic in origin. Processed, artificial, synthetic and refined foods should be avoided where possible. Their composition doesn’t benefit our body and can instead have a detrimental effect. If you are lacking in energy or feeling under the weather, you may be deficient in certain nutrients. Our website can help you to see which supplements could benefit you.

Fruits and vegetables | Did you know that a diet high in fruits and vegetables can benefit your emotional wellbeing as well as your physical health? This post lists the best fruits and vegetables to consume and how they benefit you. #health #wellness #diet

Please note: The information in this post is not intended to replace orthodox medical treatment but is offered as complimentary information.