The Iodine Deficiency

iodine crystals

The World Health Organisation regards iodine deficiency as a primary public health concern. There are believed to be 30 million people in the world suffering from this condition. Iodine is a trace mineral and an essential component of the all-important thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).

These hormones help to regulate the metabolic activities of most cells in the body, and play an important role in the process of early growth and development of organs, especially the brain. Insufficient intake of iodine-rich foods can lead to inadequate production of these specific hormones, negatively affecting the muscle, heart, liver, kidney and the developing brain.


Wise Owl’s ‘Food State’ Selenium, Iodine & Vitamin B12 supplement is made using high quality, whole food ingredients. Selenium is an especially important micro mineral and a powerful antioxidant. Nutritional surveys have found that it is likely up to 80% of the western world is deficient in selenium. Carefully combined with Iodine and Vitamin B12, this 200µg Selenium supplement aims to help you reach optimal nutrient levels essential for good health. An alternative product is Wise Owl’s Organic Kelp supplement, which contains three species of wild bladderwrack (seaweed). It is iodine rich and contains a broad spectrum of minerals, trace elements, micro-nutrients, vitamins, prebiotics and carotenoids.

Iodine Deficiency Statistics

The National Health Nutritional Examination Survey discovered that around the world, there has been a decrease in iodine levels by 50% in the last 30 years. A clinical study was conducted by Dr David Brownstein, a thyroid expert, reporting that more than 96% of the 5,000 patients tested were iodine deficient. Iodine deficiency disorders are all preventable if the patient is given the appropriate dose of iodine, yet the consequences of deficiencies can be detrimental if sufferers are not diagnosed. Iodine deficiencies can result in hypothyroidism, increased cholesterol levels, stunted physical and mental development, decreased fertility, increased infant mortality, fibrocystic breast disease, atherosclerosis and breast cancer.

What Are the Iodine Deficiency Symptoms?

The clinical symptoms and signs of iodine deficiencies include the following:

  • Muscle weakness and joint stiffness
  • Depression
  • Difficulty losing weight
  • Dry skin and thinning hair
  • Headaches, lethargy or fatigue
  • Memory problems and brain fog
  • Menstrual problems
  • High cholesterol
  • Recurring infections
  • Sensitivity to cold and cold hands and feet
  • Constipation
  • Shortness of breath
  • Impaired kidney function
Article Date: 15/08/2017Disclaimer: The information in this document is not intended to replace orthodox medical treatment. The information offered in this document is offered as additional complimentary information.

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What Are the Benefits of Iodine?

The benefits of iodine include helping the function of the thyroid glands, controlling metabolic rate, maintaining optimal energy levels, removing toxic chemicals from the body especially metal toxins, encourages healthy skin and boosts immunity. Iodine has also been shown to assist in destroying mutated, cancerous cells but does not destroy healthy cells. Studies have also shown that iodine deficiency in pregnancy and infancy can have an influence upon healthy brain development and growth. Young infants are more at risk of neuro-degenerative problems if they are iodine deficient, resulting in a mental form of disability known as cretinism, learning disabilities and motor function issues.

What Foods Are Rich in Iodine?

Foods that are high in iodine levels include baked cod, cranberries, plain low-fat yogurt, raw milk, eggs, shrimps and dried prunes. Iodine is also present in human breast milk and baby formula milk. However, seaweed is one of the best sources of iodine and kelp is one of the varieties that has the highest amount of iodine compared to any other food in the world. Fruit and vegetables also contain various levels of iodine but depending on the content in the soil, fertilisers and irrigation methods can influence concentrations.