Natural Form Vitamins & Minerals





What are the essential differences between Food State, and what we refer to as the “chemical” varieties of vitamins & minerals ? Perhaps a more important question is why we should take Food State in preference to all the others.


Let’s look at some further information


Q:        Is there a meaningful difference between natural and synthetic vitamin supplements today?


A:         At molecular level, no. They both contain purified, “free state” (not food state”!) nutrients. BUT, and this is an important bit of information: These are nutrients that would never appear in this isolated form in nature, and anything that we consume that does not exist in nature is unrecognisable as beneficial nutrient to the body.


Q:        Are vitamins in foods different at all from USP (United States Pharmacopeia) chemical grade vitamins?


A:         Absolutely. In foods the molecules are always bound to proteins, at the very least.


Q:        Isn’t there even one brand whose vitamins are completely different from the rest?


A:         Yes, there is. Oriental and Western’s Food State vitamins & minerals are connected with proteins and other constituents as they are in food, which the body is designed to fully utilise.


Q:        Is this a more reasonable and supportable definition of natural?


A:         Yes.  And this dramatic difference can be explained.


Nutrients in Food in Nature


So as not to get confused between “free state” and “food state”, free state could be viewed as negative because it never exists in natural foods in nature. Food State should be considered positive because the nutrients are presented in the exact same form that they would be in nature


Consider these facts before considering which vitamins and minerals you should take


Natural verse Synthetic – vitamins & minerals


Is there a difference between natural and synthetic vitamins & minerals?  The FDA (in the USA), the world renowned Linus Pauling institute and many scientists will generally say no. Oriental and Western agrees when you refer to only the molecule itself. For example, a pure ascorbic acid molecule is by chemical definition the same no matter where it came from: an orange or a factory.

However, natural food in nature never supplies us with pure vitamin molecules!


Natural Nutrient Form


In our natural foods (plants and animals) vitamins never exist in a free state (without the necessary food co-factor nutrient attachments). As with minerals, plants only contain vitamins bound to proteins and other co-factors. Carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, lipids and bioflavonoids are also closely associated and/or attached, but most important are the proteins as only they transport vitamins in living systems. Therefore, when recommending a natural (Food State) supplement, it is the form of the vitamin with which we should be concerned about, not the source or the chemical base. That form must be connected to protein (and other co-factors) to be considered natural.


Free State Vitamins


Most vitamins on the market today, whether labeled natural or not, are in an un-natural free state.  Remember, natural source is not good enough; the form has to be natural.  If a natural source vitamin has the essential co-factors removed until it’s a pure molecule, it may as well be synthetic; In fact compared to real foods it is.


By definition therefore, it is justified to call these so-called “natural” supplements synthetic. Very few “natural” brands of supplements have ever been shown to be chemically different from “synthetic” because there is no difference. In fact, irrespective of the brand name, the isolated components in nearly all vitamin and mineral supplements in the world, and manufactured by a handful of multi-national pharmaceutical company’s. The name on the label is fairly irrelevant – they are all the same isolated chemicals.


Natural Form Vitamins


Oriental and Western produces vitamins, minerals and important trace elements combined with these necessary proteins, with close associations (or complexes) to carbohydrates, essential fatty acids and natural form bioflavonoids.


Free State vitamins & minerals and other supplements are without the necessary co-factors and are significantly less expensive. It is necessary to remind ourselves that the Oriental and Western Food State supplements are complexes. No matter how much free state vitamins and minerals are given they can’t perform as FOODS within the body because they are not foods.


  • As is the case, it is not the quantity that matters but the effectiveness of the FOOD supplements.


  • Food State has been demonstrated to be more effective in many studies with much less toxicity (if any).


  • We can think that the difference can be likened to a person explaining the directions in a language that is foreign to us; it does not matter if it is one person explaining the directions or 250 people, without the interpreter (the food co-factors) there is little value because we will not be able to recognise the language or the directions to our destination.


  • It is no good getting the mega-dose horse tablet either, as he also speaks a language that the receptors in our digestive system can’t recognise or understand.
  • Both food and indeed our digestive system require these coded directions to the correct nutrient destination, and without these we are nutritionally lost.


So in summary, if we can all agree that “nature provides”, then the nutrients we introduce in to the body must be in a form that the body recognises and can use, and not in a form that the body will treat as “chemical”. It is principally for this reason that the Oriental and Western Food State Nutrient supplements are far more effective and safer than those that line the shelves of health stores, pharmacies and supermarkets.


Why supplement?


It is interesting to note that in a time of wide variety and food availability, nutritional deficit is made plain by the physiological complaints we are suffering. It is now common practice and big business to supplement the diet with macro and micro – nutrients such as vitamins & minerals. But to what avail?


The validity of taking dietary supplements has recently been seriously challenged. This was due to frequently high dosage levels of the Free State chemical vitamins & minerals and other so called nutrients. Researchers looking at the undesirable apparent side effects gave their concerns. It has also been suggested, no doubt quite appropriately, that we should be able to gain all our required nutrients from the diet we consume. Unfortunately, however wise a notion, our desperately over farmed, under nourished soil can no longer provide all the nutrients we need through the food we eat. What then?


If we are to supplement this dietary shortfall with vitamins & minerals, which ones should we take, in what quantities and why?


It is of interest to note that from many published reports regarding nutrition there is a common theme which is, that with our dietary intake today, we do not receive the nutrients from the soil compared to sixty years ago. There are several factors that we need to be aware of that contributed to this mineral decline, which include acid rain and other detrimental farming practices.


It is interesting to note the comments from an important report from the 1992 summit.


Earth Summit report from Rio in 1992 by the US Senate 26 commented that:


Earth Summit Report on Soil Mineral Depletion Analysis Concluded, that the mineral depletion for the countries below was significant, as indicated by these reductions:


North America            85%

South America            75%

Europe                        72%

Asia                             76%

Africa                           74%

Australia                      55%


This was 24 years ago, and we can only assume that it has become worse since.


Let’s consider the implications of these mineral deficiencies in the soil, and as an example, look at magnesium.


Approximately 300 bodily enzymes require magnesium to function correctly. A serious deficiency would suggest that the magnesium which is vital for most cells and tissues of the body is not available to allow the cells to function correctly.


Food processing also reduces the amount of this important mineral, for example


  • 99% of the magnesium in sugar cane is lost when it is refined to white sugar.


  • 80 – 96% of magnesium content in wheat is removed when refined to white flour.


  • The Asian diet, which is whole-food based, typically provides 500 – 700 mg of magnesium per day, while the Western diet provides one-third that amount. Being generous to the Western diet we may consider to be around 200 to 250 mg of magnesium – daily intake


  • In fact the average Western dietary intake of Magnesium is 200 mg per day for women and 240 mg per day for men


  • The United Kingdom Government recommends that the required intake of magnesium should be at least 375mg. Other governments such as in the USA, Australia etc. recommend that the minimum magnesium daily intake during adolescence and adults should be at least 400 plus mg daily.



  • It is interesting to note that we are told to consume twice as much calcium to magnesium. However, this is not the ratio that real food delivers these minerals. The typical high-dairy/high fat diet contains almost four times as much calcium as magnesium.


  • Researchers have found that the absorption of magnesium decreases rapidly when more than 200 mg is consumed at one time


  • An unbalanced dietary intake of high calcium coupled with the high fat content tends to suppress magnesium absorption.


  • Consumption of (pop or soda) decreases the body’s absorption of magnesium


  • Other substances that can negatively interfere with the body using magnesium include.


  • Caffeine
  • Refined sugars
  • Soft drinks
  • Aluminium in different forms (including antiperspirants and toothpastes)
  • Fluoride – both in toothpastes and when high in drinking water
  • Some forms of Iron and Zinc (often taken as “natural” supplements) but often put into foods to fortify them – such as breakfast cereals.
  • Dental fillings also interfere with Magnesium within the body
  • Many pharmaceutical preparations that include
    • The contraceptive pill
    • Diuretics
    • Many antibiotics


  • High doses of the chemical forms of vitamin D in supplements also reduce the effectiveness of magnesium.


  • Alcohol promotes magnesium loss, as do diets high in animal protein, refined sugar, sodium, and calcium. A variety of cardiac arrhythmias have been associated with magnesium deficiency.


Magnesium and Bone integrity


Many health researchers and practitioners consider this mineral to be even more important for proper bone structure than calcium.

It is known that this is one of the most deficient minerals, and that 8 out of 10 people have been found to be deficient when consuming a “western” diet even if the food is organic. Remember, the acid rain leaches out the beneficial magnesium from the soil, whether organic or not.


We need magnesium for each of the estimated 100 trillion cells in our body to work properly.


Free State or Food State?


There are no shortages of vitamins & minerals on the market; however, the majority fall into the category of “free state” chemical products called “natural”. We call these “de-natured”. The remaining category of “Food State” Nutrient formulas on the other hand, are the active macro and micro – nutrient, bound together within the natural food matrix which most closely supports it. We call these “Re-Natured”.


The Mineral Phosphorous and Phosphorylation


An essential factor to consider in the bioavailability of most nutrients to the body is the presence of the mineral phosphorous. Nutrients are present in the body in a large variety of what are called phosphorylated forms which are needed for energy, enzyme activation and control, without which the essential energy required to maintain life cannot be released from the foods. If we remove the active nutrient from its food matrix, as in “free state”, we remove it from its natural state of Phosphorylation.


This increases the likelihood that the unrecognisable nutrient molecule will be treated as alien by the body and excreted, or, even if it is accepted, (and this may be less than 20% likely), it will be unable to activate the necessary chemical processes to be of any use.


In contrast, “Food State” vitamins & minerals naturally contains the necessary phosphorylated molecules (beneficial sugars and proteins, lipids, etc.), which are available to be assimilated, or processed during digestion, into the specific protein, or peptide forms, which the blood supply can transport to the designated organs for use.


Note then, that “free state” products are largely unavailable for metabolism during digestion, and are therefore largely excreted. Whereas “Food State” vitamins & minerals are highly bioavailable, and can even be stored in the tissues and intra-cellular fluid, because they contain all the appropriate “passwords” for the body to give them access.


“Food State”; a really Natural model.


This whole contrast hinges on the access between the “de-natured”/”re-natured” quality of the vitamins & minerals concerned. “Food State” is so successful in terms of efficiency, because it emulates food’s natural processes. This is reflected in the way it is made, following natural holistic models, which differ (as they do in nature) according to whether they are a vitamin, or a mineral formula.


Food State Vitamins: How are they Grown?


The active vitamin is “fed” into the most suitable plant medium for it; that is, the most suitable plant matter with the enzymes to absorb digest it fully into a Food matrix. For example, citrus pulp is used for the Re-Naturing of chemical form ascorbic acid, because it is naturally so high in vitamin C; carrot pulp is used with Beta Carotene; alfalfa with Vitamin K, and so on.  The enzymes naturally present in the various mediums integrate the vitamin so thoroughly, that it is once again fully incorporated into a food matrix. There are no chemicals at the completion of the growing process just as there are no free chemicals in real foods.




We know inorganic, mineral substances cannot be manufactured within the body, but must be absorbed into our bodies through the food chain. That is to say, through the plant, or the animal which has eaten the plant, which contains the necessary mineral substance. Hence, “Food State” feeds the inorganic mineral into living plant cells, which absorb them, Re-Naturing them once again into a fully bonded food matrix. There are no free chemicals at the completion of the growing process just as there are no free chemicals in real foods


Both the vitamin and mineral Food State Nutrients are harvested, freeze dried and tableted or in capsules, following a strictly monitored procedure, to ensure that nothing, (e.g. high heat, or pressure during the tableting manufacture), can interfere with their effectiveness and availability to the body’s natural digestive processes, thus providing the body with an eminently bioavailable form of supplementation.


Low Dosage Food State vitamins & minerals supplements


The improved response rate and tolerance rate resulting from the Food State Nutrient form/matrix enables a considerable reduction in the level of intake. This is due to the fact that the other ingredients contained within the food matrix protect and carry the “Food State” vitamins and minerals through the bio-chemical interactions which would eradicate the usefulness of their “free state” counterparts. For example in “free state”, vitamin E and Iron cannot co-exist because they negate one another. In the “Food State” however, they remain part of a complex structure and are therefore not available for chemical interchange. This means, that unlike “free state”, “Food State” can be taken without being accompanied by food, because, being connected/bonded to lipids, carbohydrates, and bioflavonoids, they are already a ‘whole food’ in themselves.



Due to their bio-available status, and hence their low dosage requirements, there are no known side effects to Food State Nutrient formulas. Despite the use of yeast during the mineral growing process, “Food State” vitamins & minerals are non-allergenic. Allergies are always molecule specific and in order to stimulate the yeast allergy, the yeast must still be in possession of its long chain molecules. During the growing/bonding process, the yeast is enabled to “take up”, and re-nature the mineral substance into itself, prior to the breakdown of the yeast cell wall. This makes it unrecognisable as a yeast molecule and it does not therefore trigger off the allergic response. It is also worth noting, that because “Food State” Nutrients are retained in the body longer, and are more efficiently utilised, there is no risk of any detrimental mineral depositing, or symptoms of overdosing.




Through the large and available body of research work that has been carried out to explore the efficacy of these divergent forms of supplementation, it has become clear that Food State Nutrient vitamins & minerals are better absorbed, utilised and retained in the tissues, than any other form of so called “natural” supplements.

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